OASF Speaker Shares Podcast

The OASF podcast is a collection of speaker shares from meetings and events across the San Francisco fellowship of OA. It has thousands of subscribers in the U.S. and around the world. The podcast is maintained by SF Intergroup to spread the message of recovery, but the decision to record speaker shares and the content within them is up to individual OA meetings and members.

Our podcast is hosted via Spotify. If you prefer to listen using a particular app, check the “Available on” section.

How to Contribute to the Podcast

Any meeting or event in the San Francisco area can contribute speaker shares to the OASF podcast. Here’s how:

1. Ask the speaker if they wish to be recorded

If they are unsure, you can offer to record the share and let them decide afterwards whether it should be submitted to the podcast.

2. Record the share

For in person meetings, you can use your smart phone. For virtual meetings, you can record using the zoom record feature. DO NOT record to the cloud. Record to your computer so you will have the audio file to submit.

3. Have the speaker sign a release form

You’ll find our SPEAKER RELEASE FORM below. We use this as proof that the speaker agreed to have their story recorded and added to the podcast. If you meeting is an in-person meeting, print some release forms for your meeting. If meeting is virtual, the speaker can print their own release form, sign it and email or text you a phone picture of it.

4. Send both the recording and release to intergroup

Use SUBMIT TO PODCAST button below to email all the information needed with the recording and release attached. We will post the recording the podcast as soon as possible. We cannot post the recording unless we receive the recording and the release together.

Additional Suggestions

  • Meetings can take a group conscience to decide if they want to record speakers for the podcast.

  • We recommend having a podcast coordinator service position for your meeting to manage the recording and submission.

  • email podcast@oasf.org if you have questions